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Considerations for using a mobile hard disk box


1.Problems to pay attention to when connecting a compute

    ①It is not suitable to connect the extension line. If the connection is too long, the resistance will increase and the data will interfere or attenuate, which may lead to insufficient voltage and the hard disk can not be found.

    ②If you canundefinedt find the portable hard disk in front of the case, try the back of the case, because the front interface is wired to the front panel of the case.

    ③In the use of mobile hard disk should not be connected to multiple peripherals.

2.It is best to remove the hardware safely through windows and remove the mobile hard disk, which can result in hard disk damage.

3.Hard disk boxes should not be close to strong magnetic fields, such as inferior speakers, which are hard disk nemesis.

3.People generally prefer to buy cheap or their own DIY mobile hard disk box, but this kind of hard disk box has almost zero shockproof ability, and the brand is bigger. The hard disk box with fine workmanship usually has good ability to protect the hard disk. The biggest difference between ordinary mobile hard disk and brand mobile hard disk is here.

   For data security reasons, it is recommended to buy Lianrui mobile hard disk box, which has a good shockproof design. For example, the Linkreal 101A-M hard disk box, the body of which is made of aluminum alloy and ABS, has good heat dissipation performance. The most important thing is that it does not need to be lightly released when using the hard disk, even if it falls a little carelessly and is protected by Linkreal101A-Mde. Donundefinedt worry about whether the hard drive will be broken.

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